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How Automation is Improving Clinical Trials

Automation in clinical trials  refers to the process of conducting many types of medical research studies and clinical trials in an automated, standard, and timely manner. This system is made up of sophisticated computer software that is designed to run various medical trials in a clinical trial record management system (CRM). This software is also used by trial monitors to examine the record of trial subjects and to check the progress and safety of the study. The system helps the researchers and clinical managers in collecting the data needed in evaluating the product or procedure. Apart from monitoring the record of the trial subject, the system can also help in creating reports for the management and stakeholders. The main aim of this system is to reduce the trial-related costs.


How Are Clinical Trials Run?

The medical industry has long been in search of ways of automating the research process. The advent of newer technologies and improved software over the years have provided researchers with the tools that they need in the quest for more efficient clinical trials. Today, clinical trials are conducted in a more convenient manner. Some of the most common applications include bioreactors, electronic health records, life sciences devices, patient recall systems, and more. Automation in clinical trials is an innovative way to improve clinical trial efficiency.


Clinical trials can be conducted using either human subjects or with animal samples. With the development of newer technologies, however, researchers are exploring new methods for administering the drugs to the subjects. Some companies are exploring the use of automated probes for conducting human trials. Although these machines are effective, there are still some limitations. For example, an automated probe that contains live cells could provide inaccurate results, which would necessitate the need for another study using non-genetically-altered cells.

How Is Automation In Clinical Trials Changing?

In addition to conducting clinical trials, life sciences companies are conducting them in order to generate new products for the pharmaceutical industry. Most of these companies are currently focusing on developing drugs that will treat serious diseases such as cardiovascular and infectious diseases. A major portion of the money that is generated from the development of drugs goes into the research and development of potential side effects of the drugs. Because of this, clinical trial sponsors must find ways to reduce the risk of exposing their patients to these drugs. Automated probing systems for sampling blood from healthy people and handling sample draw procedures are being developed by the life sciences industry.

Automation in clinical research and analysis can also reduce the time it takes for researchers to gather data necessary for drug development. Many trial sponsors require the clinical research company to submit data collection forms to them on a regular basis. These forms allow the sponsors to receive detailed information about the health status and samples of the subject. The data exchange is automated so that the submission of forms does not slow down the process.

Changes For The Future

The goal of trial sponsors is not only to see the trials through to end, but to collect the most accurate data possible. This requires that the company conducting the trial fully understands the requirements of the trial and adheres to all of the stipulated data sharing policies. Automation can help to make this easier. Since the data is already electronically available, the process is much more straightforward and efficient. With the data exchange systems of the future, there will be less paperwork and more time for research and development. This is just one more way that automation is improving the efficiency of the clinical research industry.