What Are Refrigerant Dryers?
Refrigerant dryers are used to remove water vapor from compressed air. They are a necessary component of any air compressor system to prevent rust and moisture build-up, and are available in different types to suit specific requirements.
The most common type is a direct expansion (DX) dryer, which usually operates continuously at a fixed speed. This can be a less economical investment than cycling or variable speed DX dryers, which shut off or reduce their compressor speed during lower load conditions.
Drying Process
Refrigerant dryers cool the compressed air to remove moisture that is present in the air. This prevents condensation from occurring and allows for a lower dew point. The dew point is the temperature at which water vapor condenses to form liquid water.
The most common type of refrigerant dryer is the direct expansion or DX type. This system does not utilize intermediate components and is a cheaper option than other types.
Alternatively, there are also desiccant dryers. These use hygroscopic materials such as silica gel or activated alumina to absorb the moisture in compressed air.
Drying Applications
Refrigerated dryers are one of the most common types of drying equipment used in industrial applications. They require less capital investment than heated desiccant dryers and have relatively low operating costs.
Most refrigerant dryers work by cooling a stream of compressed air to a temperature low enough to condense water vapor from the air. This occurs because water has a higher capacity for holding moisture than cold air does.
The cooled air is then reheated in the heat exchanger to return the air to its original saturated state. This method of removing excess water reduces the dew point and improves energy efficiency by reducing the cooling load in the refrigeration cycle.
Drying Requirements
Refrigerant dryers work by removing moisture from compressed air by cooling it in an air-to-refrigerant heat exchanger similar to a home refrigerator or commercial air conditioning system.
These dryers also reheat the incoming air in an air-to-air heat exchanger, which reduces the energy required to cool the compressed air down further.
Dryer Options
When it comes to laundry, dryers are one half of a dynamic duo that helps make the entire process easier. They make sure your clothes are dry, clean and ready to wear after each cycle.
There are many different types of dryers that you can choose from to meet your specific needs. The most common options include refrigerant dryers and desiccant dryers.
Regenerative desiccant dryers rely on the adsorptive capacity of a variety of materials, including silica gel or activated alumina. These material absorb water vapor as they move through the tower, removing moisture and lowering dew points.